You may have more of a male brain. Scientists say men tend to under perform in this task. The corpus callosum, the part of the brain that links the right and left hemispheres, is a fifth larger in women. This means women can process visual and other signals at the same time more easily than men. There is also a theory that oestrogen levels in women give them an added advantage in spatial memory.
Bruce Christopher, psychologist/humorist, spoke on "Why are Women So Strange and Men So Weird? Effective Communication with the Opposite Sex" during a Penn State Forum on Tuesday, April 7. Christopher is a licensed psychologist with more than 20 years of experience as a speaker, trainer and consultant.
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Thursday, July 7, 2011
Cool, images, First, date, Show, F*ckin
To use a high-res version in your Ministry visit Do you have a hard time getting a date or relating to the opposite sex? You're not alone. This humorous video illustration proves that even superheroes don't always get it right.
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like, Film, Lady, this, Elfquest, elves
If you like hot lady elves, then this Elfquest fan film is for you
Produced with both the blessing and cooperation of the creators of the long-running Elfquest comics, this five-minute trailer-film-tribute is a lush, loving look at a world populated almost entirely by very attractive women with pointy ears.
Women's Giving Network of Wake County Issues Forum April 7, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Women's Giving Network of Wake County hosting annual issues forum, "Sex Crimes in Our Community," The Royal, 3801 Hillsborough Street, Raleigh; for details and registration, email .
Part 1 of 4 - Alien Love-making & Crash Landing. It took me nearly 50 hours but here we are at the end, finally. What ending did you get? I get the feeling this is the pretty standard ending you wind up with from being "good" I'm pretty happy everyone survived cause I've heard some people been having some problems with that. I don't know if they just made the wrong choices in the end or if it was due to their choices throughout the entire game (probably) - but if you're lucky these videos might be of some help if you're not too sure who to choose for the end missions.
by freebird (bobinson|à´¬àµà´¬à´¿à´¨àµâസണàµ)
Question by Sammy: great sex life but how to keep relationship good?
K, the relationship is good we have great sex we talk a lot Is there anything we can do to make sure it stays this good. I'm scared we will run out of thing s to talk about. We just started dating and are moving really fast. We have talked about a lot, I feel comfortable talking to him. I dont feel comfortable talking to a lot of people
Best answer:
Answer by gingerdevine I'm in exactly the same situation, so I'm afraid I don't have an answer for you, but I'm going to keep an eye on this question so I can learn from your answers....
Question by leeanie24: Would you Be Able to Get Prego Having Sex The Night B4 Ov Week?
according to this web site Im Ov During the next couple of days.The 7th till 12th .. The 10th being My Ov Day. If i had unprotected sex Yesterday .What are the chances im already prego? &Not Havin Sex the rest of the week .
Best answer:
Answer by Debbie P It's a possibility. Sperm can live up to 7 days.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Question by Becky Smith: SEX...........!!!!!!!!!!!!?
I stopped seeing a guy. I want him soooo bad(sex). I think about it all the time. I miss him all the time too. I care about him alot. We can't be together(reasons are unimportant that's just the facts). I just want to know if there is anything I can do so I won't miss him so much and stop wanting to have sex all the time. It's really hard to want him 24/7. I just want to get over it and be ok with not having someone.
I don't want to be with him, because we can't be together! Seriously please don't comment on the relationship part of this story. We will never be together!! I just need to know how to get over him and even more importantly how to stop being so freakin horny!!!! oh and i don't want to masturbate because i feel like it's awkward haha Rosie! I have had sex plenty of times with him, you really don't read carefully...I can't be with him anymore it doesn't matter why that's just how it is. Therefore I can't have sex with him anymore...that's my problem. You should pay attention to details what you said just went against everything I already said?? haha Rosie! I have had sex plenty of times with him, you really don't read carefully...I can't be with him anymore it doesn't matter why that's just how it is. Therefore I can't have sex with him anymore...that's my problem. You should pay attention to details what you said just went against everything I already said??
do some women like to watch 2 men having sex or being with each other ?
My wife has been going to a site for anime (japan cartoons) showing male love or erotic poses .
Best answer:
Answer by Brigdet Well apparently your wife does so I'm sure other women do. Personally any naked guys get me attracted, I don't care if they are together or not.